Enecta, CBD Oil Cannabidiol

Enecta, CBD Oil: the ten most important things to know!

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There are at least ten things to know about CBD oil you’re probably not aware of! We will try and discover them with the contribution of Science and the articles that we from Enecta have published on the subject,  in order to supply clear and specific information regarding the properties of this cannabinoid.

1 - Often many people try and find in Cannabis a moment of relaxation and anti-stress from the daily routine of work and study. According to scientific research CBD would help to contrast the potential anxiety effects of THC. How? Click Here.

2 - Could CBD be an effective remedy in skincare? Due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, yes! According to a research study on women affected by Acne, after the first seven days of treatment, 85,71%  reported an improvement, while at the end of the 14-day treatment 100% of them stated to have noticed improvement. To learn more about it Click Here.  

3 - Studies performed by researchers of the Colorado University reveal how CBD can be an extremely valid remedy to relief  backache. 81%  of the individuals taking part in the study, declared how, with the sole use of CBD, they had much more relief than with the traditional medical drugs. Click Here.

4 - CBD helps to repair fractures, but an aspect difficult to imagine for many of us regards the capacity of Cannabis to contribute to consolidate fractures faster. This result comes from a study carried out by the University of Tel Aviv and the Hebrew University and is published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. Click Here.

5 - CBD Oil can prove to be an important ally for women to contrast pain during the menstrual cycle, due to its anti-inflammatory properties! Click Here.

6 - Are you looking for a way to fight pain in a natural way? The research study we mention has examined 23 adults affected by neuropathic pain, to whom Cannabis was prescribed for a period of about two weeks. The results showed how within five days from the beginning of the treatment the intensity of pain had diminished and  therefore sleep quality had improved. Click Here.



7 - Can CBD also be of support for Cats and Dogs? The reply certainly is Yes! Our four-legged friends can avail themselves of CBD Hemp oil to ease some “diseases”.  In The United Stated for some years now you can find CBD products on the market for our hairy friends and most probably these products will become of use also in Europe and Italy, as requests registered by the Enecta team testify in relation to dogs suffering from epilepsy. Click Here.

8 - Many individuals suffer from problems related to the quality of sleep; sleeping poorly means facing our working days with little concentration, certainly not with the best of moods and with that sense of fatigue, that doesn’t allow us to be at a full 100%. Are there solutions to contrast this state of stress and to improve the quality of sleep? CBD oil could be a solution. Click Here

9 - CBD oil is confirming itself also in Europe as an essential element for those who practise Sport, at the end of an intense workout or after a competition CBD represents a key element in supporting the recovery of the athlete. Click Here.

10 - CBD for relieving headaches, this could be one of the last therapeutic frontiers reached by this important Cannabidiol, where Science has started to supply the first important replies. Click Here.

Did you find this article interesting and you would like to learn more about it? Don’t hesitate to contact us, by writing an e-mail to info@enecta.com or leaving a message on our Social Media channels, on Facebook or Instagram and the Enecta Team will be ready to reply to all your questions and take away each and every doubt!



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