CBD oil for pain relief - live pain-free using the power of plants

CBD is known for its many beneficial properties, but one hears again and again that it should help especially to relieve pain. Is this really the case? Is there any scientific evidence or proof that cannabidiol actually has an effect on pain itself or on its perception?

To get to the bottom of these questions, we have evaluated studies and field reports and are now happy to share our knowledge with you.

Dit kan je helpen:

10% CBD Oil (1000mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

10% CBD Olie

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10% Oil - Enecta

10% CBD Olie

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24% CBD oil (2400mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

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24% CBD oil - Enecta

24% CBD olie

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Definition - What is pain?

Nearly everyone experiences pain on an almost daily basis. In medical terms, pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Accordingly, acute pain has a crucial warning function and helps protect the body from harmful or dangerous influences. Chronic pain, on the other hand, doesn't fulfill this function and is a disease in its own right.

Pain is a subjective experience and doesn't necessarily have a physical cause. Mental stress can cause pain too. In this case, we speak of psychosomatic pain.

In addition, the psychological condition influences the perception of pain, even if its causes are physical. Accordingly, sadness or dejection can increase sensitivity to pain, while positive feelings, on the other hand, can reduce it.

Causes of pain

The causes of pain are many and varied and can be both external (e.g., cold, heat, or an injury) and internal, for example, inflammation. It should be noted, however, that the perception of pain requires complex processing by the nervous system. Accordingly, pain can also have psychological causes.

Pain perception begins with the so-called nociceptors, sensory neurons distributed throughout the body that react to various stimuli such as heat or pressure and send messages to the central nervous system (CNS). This is where the spinal cord comes into play, triggering a quick reflex to protect the body from further damage.

The pain message then travels along neural pathways and reaches the brain, where the thalamus, responsible for the emotional evaluation of pain, interprets it.

The message is then transmitted to the following brain regions:

  • Hypothalamus - regulates blood pressure, breathing, and sweat production.

  • Pituitary gland - is responsible for the secretion of stress hormones

  • Cerebral cortex - is responsible for the conscious or rational perception of pain.

The brain can also modulate the intensity of pain messages through nerve fibers that connect it to the spinal cord, enabling the body to respond flexibly.

Depending on its cause and duration, pain can be divided into six categories:

  1. Acute pain - Occurs suddenly and lasts for a short period of time. The cause is usually identifiable.

  2. Chronic Pain - Lasts at least 3-6 months and tends to get worse over time.

  3. Neuropathic pain - Is caused by a nervous system disorder.

  4. Nociceptive pain - Is caused by tissue injury.

  5. Inflammatory pain - Draws attention to inflammation, thereby ensuring that the affected area is spared as much as possible.

  6. Psychosomatic pain - Is liked to psychologically stressful situations.

Pain symptoms

Pain manifests itself in many different forms. Headache (migraine), back pain, stomach ache, toothache, and the like make our daily lives difficult. Chronic pain is estimated to affect almost 20 percent of people in Europe. Against this backdrop, the use of cannabis as a healthy and natural remedy is becoming increasingly popular these days.

But the cannabinoids THC and CBD were known to help manage pain much more earlier. It is believed that CBD interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system and thus might reduce pain transmission and fight the cause of pain. The result is that you experience less pain and can enjoy life to the fullest again.

Pain diagnosis

Since pain perception is subjective, the diagnosis involves a detailed discussion with the person concerned. For this purpose, aids such as the visual analog scale (VAS) can be very useful. A pain diary is another proven tool for tracking how pain evolves and thus assessing how well treatment is working.

In addition, neurological and neuropsychological tests can be conducted. Finally, imaging procedures such as magnetic resonance imaging and X-rays can also provide information about the cause of pain.

CBD for pain management

CBD oil is a versatile active ingredient, and people use it to manage many different types of pain: back pain, nerve pain, all types of chronic pain, period pain, migraine, headaches, and joint pain (rheumatism or arthritis).

But how exactly does CBD support the body's response to pain?

CBD interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays an important role in regulating pain perception, inflammatory response, and many other physiological processes. Through this interaction, CBD might trigger an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, making it the perfect complement to conventional pain management.

For example, a systematic review published in 2022 showed that CBD has great potential when it comes to managing chronic pain. Experimental studies also indicate that CBD can be helpful for neuropathic pain while also promoting healthy sleep, which in turn reduces stress-related pain.

Benefits of CBD oil for pain management

Thanks to its interaction with the ECS, CBD can influence various endogenous processes. These include sleep, mood, inflammation, and pain perception. Consequently, cannabidiol can, in principle, be used for all types of pain.

In addition, this active ingredient rarely causes side effects. In most cases, these are very mild and are basically associated with excessive dosage.

Also, CBD does not cause physical or psychological dependence, and you can, therefore, take it over an extended period of time. Among the many existing CBD products, CBD oil is by far the most popular.

Why is it so?

On the one hand, it can be dropped directly under the tongue. This way it rapidly enters the bloodstream and can act accordingly fast. On the other hand, you can determine the dosage with great accuracy, which is impossible with CBD capsules, for example. Finally, CBD oil is usually a pure and natural product, which is not always the case with e-liquids or CBD gummies.

How to take CBD oil for pain

If you want to use CBD to relieve pain, you have several options, which can, of course, be combined. Sublingual administration is particularly recommended. You just need to drop the oil under your tongue and keep it there for about one minute. Thus, it reaches the bloodstream directly through the oral mucosa.

The most significant advantage:

It allows an exact dosage. Those who aren't fond of the somewhat bitter taste of CBD oil often opt for CBD capsules. These are tasteless and easier to take than the oil.

However, the dosage is not as flexible. CBD ointments and CBD creams
Creams and ointments are applied topically. They are particularly recommended for sore muscles, muscle tension, and joint pain of any kind. On top of that, they can also promote muscle recovery and thus provide optimal support for physically active people.

CBD oil for pain dosage

There is no universal dosage recommendation when it comes to managing pain with CBD. How much CBD you should take so that it helps against pain is something you will find out yourself.

A lot does not always help a lot. Accordingly, we recommend starting low and going slow. You could begin taking 1-3 drops of 10% CBD oil and, if needed, increase the dosage gradually.

You can roughly orient yourself to the following guideline values:

  • Mild pain: 1 to 4 drops of 10% CBD oil (= 4 to 16 mg CBD).
  • Moderate pain: 5 to 10 drops of 10% CBD oil (= 20 to 40 mg CBD)
  • Severe pain: 11 to 20 drops of 10% CBD oil (= 44 to 80 mg CBD)

You can take the drops all at once or, depending on the dosage, spread over the day. A CBD overdose with severe side effects would not be expected even if you were to drink a 10 ml bottle of 10% CBD at once.

However, it is recommended to use the natural hemp oil sparingly and take the above dose one to three times a day.

Side effects of CBD oil for pain

Although each body reacts individually to this active ingredient, we can anticipate one thing: CBD causes hardly any side effects, and there is no risk of overdose. Studies and field reports indicate that side effects occur in isolated cases and are basically associated with improper use.

According to studies, the following side effects may occur:

  • Listlessness
  • Diarrhea
  • Slight drowsiness
  • Changed appetite
  • Dry mouth

If you are on medication, you should discuss the intake of CBD with your doctor beforehand to avoid harmful interactions. However, we generally advise against taking CBD products during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Getuigenissen en studies over CBD-olie voor pijn

Vooral mensen met chronische pijn melden dat ze uitstekende resultaten konden behalen met CBD-olie of CBD-capsules. Men leest dat CBD ook helpt bij menstruatiepijn, migraine en gewrichtspijn. Volgens gebruikers is de dosering de belangrijkste factor - in het geval van ernstige pijn is een relatief hoge hoeveelheid CBD nodig om het gewenste effect te bereiken.

Mensen met ernstige pijn hebben de neiging om medicijnen te nemen en CBD als supplement te gebruiken, en in sommige gevallen kunnen ze de dosering van pijnstillers aanzienlijk verlagen. Of je nu chronische rugpijn, migraine of ontstekingspijn wilt vermijden: CBD kan helpen! De rol van cannabis in pijnbestrijding is het onderwerp geweest van talrijke studies die hebben aangetoond hoe nuttig deze plant kan zijn.

Veel studies benadrukken het potentieel van hennepolie voor neuropathische pijn. Bovendien kan cannabidiol bijzonder nuttig zijn bij het beheersen van perifere neuropathische pijn, die vaak een gevolg is van chemotherapie. Pijn kan ook leiden tot slapeloosheid, depressie en angst. Door te interageren met serotonerge receptoren kan CBD de reactie van het lichaam op deze aandoeningen ondersteunen.

CBD kan niet alleen het algemene welzijn verhogen, maar het zou ook de stemming kunnen verbeteren en het immuunsysteem kunnen versterken - allemaal zonder THC. Naast de interactie met serotonine, kan CBD ook een verbinding aangaan met adenosinereceptoren, die betrokken zijn bij de overdracht van pijnsignalen. CBD wordt ook aanbevolen voor het beheersen van inflammatoire pijn. In feite kan CBD de reactie van het lichaam op ontsteking ondersteunen en zo helpen voorkomen dat veel inflammatoire aandoeningen verergeren.

Een studie uitgevoerd door de universiteit "Università degli Studi dell'Insubria" toonde aan dat cannabisextract en CBD de productie van cytokines, moleculen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor ontsteking, kunnen remmen. Cannabidiol kan ook de productie en afscheiding van anandamide beïnvloeden, een cannabinoïde die door ons lichaam wordt gemaakt en een rol speelt bij pijnperceptie. Onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat CBD veilig en goed verdragen is.

Een studie gepubliceerd in het Journal of Pain over de langetermijnveiligheid van medische cannabis bij patiënten met chronische pijn benadrukte dat CBD nauwelijks bijwerkingen heeft. Het potentieel van CBD is niet beperkt tot chronische, neuropathische en inflammatoire pijn. Men gelooft dat deze werkzame stof kan helpen bij aandoeningen die slechts tot op zekere hoogte met conventionele medicijnen kunnen worden behandeld (bijv. multiple sclerose, epilepsie, slapeloosheid en schizofrenie).

FAQ about CBD against pain

Although scientific evidence regarding the beneficial properties of CBD is piling up, this natural active ingredient is sometimes still eyed with suspicion. We are here to answer the most frequently asked questions and clear up any doubts.

Generally speaking, any CBD product can support the body's reaction to pain. Whether you choose CBD oil, CBD capsules, or another form of CBD depends on how you prefer to take it. Many users swear by 10% CBD oil. Many users swear by 10% CBD oil. This is particularly easy to dose, and a beneficial effect can be achieved with just a few drops per day.

The advantage of CBD capsules is that they can be taken quickly and anywhere - all you need is the capsule and a glass of water. For muscle or joint pain, you can also resort to CBD creams or ointments that can be applied directly to the skin.

To manage particularly severe pain, it makes sense to supplement pain medication with CBD and possibly other cannabinoids (e.g., THC), with which CBD can establish a synergy capable of boosting its effect.

Compared to those of many conventional painkillers, the (few)potential side effects of CBD are mild and not worrying at all. They include loss of appetite, fatigue, and a dry mouth. However, they disappear as soon as you stop taking CBD oil.

The World Health Organization (WHO) confirms that CBD is not addictive, - neither physically nor psychologically. This is different, for example, with opiates and opioids, which are often part of medicines for severe pain.

If you are still unsure, talk to your doctor, who can also assess whether it is safe to take CBD with specific medication.

CBD oil and hemp oil are often used as synonyms, although the latter does not necessarily have to contain much CBD. Hemp oil is extracted from the hemp plant and is mainly used for cooking.

CBD oil is often based on hemp oil, which serves as a carrier substance for the cannabidiol extracted from the hemp buds.

This depends mainly on how you take CBD oil. In order to achieve the fastest possible effect, we recommend sublingual intake. Here, you drop the desired amount of CBD oil under your tongue, keep it there for 1 to 2 minutes and then swallow it with your saliva.

The highest CBD concentration in blood is reached after about 45 minutes. Since the oral mucosa quickly absorbs a large part of the active ingredients, you might experience an effect after 15 to 20 minutes. If you decide to take CBD capsules, you will need a little more patience: the effect can be expected to kick in within one hour. Factors such as your individual metabolism or body weight also play a role.

With CBD oil ,you can be very flexible. If you use CBD to manage chronic pain, you can take it whenever the pain is particularly strong (peaks of pain).

To fend off acute pain, you can take your cannabidiol when needed. Experience shows that CBD works best when you take it in several relatively low doses throughout the day.

There is no general answer to this question. Painkillers prescribed by a doctor have their raison d'être and undoubtedly relieve pain. The problem, however, is that typical painkillers such as tilidine, fentanyl, and tramadol are not intended for long-term use.

They are highly addictive, which is not the case with CBD products. But even lighter painkillers like aspirin or ibuprofen can harm your health if taken constantly. CBD, on the other hand, is one hundred percent natural and has hardly any side effects. This means that CBD can be a genuine supplement in pain therapy. The pain-relieving potential of CBD is now considered scientifically proven.

Especially for mild or moderate pain, CBD capsules, CBD oil, and other CBD preparations can contribute to relief. Often, the intake of painkillers can be reduced or is no longer necessary. In cases of severe pain, CBD is often used in combination with pain medications. In this case, discuss the use of CBD products in advance with your doctor.