Hemp seeds with high cannabinoid content: Enectaliana and Enectarol - Enecta.en

Hemp seeds with high cannabinoid content: Enectaliana and Enectarol

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Our company, which specialises in the cultivation of industrial hemp, is pleased to present you two new varieties of Cannabis Sativa L., available as certified hemp seeds, ideal especially for outdoor cultivation but also for indoor cultivation. The first one, Enectaliana with a high CBD (cannabidiol) content, the second Enectarol with a high CBG (cannabigerol) content. Both are legally compliant because they contain THC levels of less than 0.2%. In this article, besides giving you an overview of hemp seeds, we will find out why choosing our genetics could make a difference.


  • Enectaliana CBD hemp seeds
  • Enectarol CBG hemp seeds
  • Certified hemp seeds
  • High germination level
  • Varietal purity
  • Material traceability
  • Terpene percentage
  • Genetically stable
  • Ready-to-sow hemp seeds



Enectaliana CBD hemp seeds

Enectaliana is one of the new hemp seeds created by Enecta. We are truly proud of this because at the moment we can call this cannabidiol genetics our best industrial hemp in terms of production.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid with a wealth of beneficial and therapeutic properties, now widely used not only in the form of inflorescences and extracts. Its potential to fight chronic pain and its antioxidant properties make it the subject of interest in various sectors, from food to cosmetics and pharmacology. 

With a medium to high CBD content of around 5-8%, Enectaliana is a Cannabis Sativa strain designed to give you the most in terms of active principles. This variety has several peculiarities: on the one hand, it has a great terpenic richness that gives it a pleasantly fruity aroma and taste, elements that also make it suitable for light cannabis inflorescences; on the other hand, it has a solid genetic stability and an incredible germination capacity (95%), which far exceeds the standards imposed by the European community (70-80%).

The plant is characterised by a deep green colour; when grown in areas with a particularly cold climate, it develops purple streaks on the leaves. Enectaliana is particularly suitable for the production of CBD edibles, extraction biomass, fibre production, and also for light cannabis inflorescences.

This variety of industrial hemp has a reduced vegetative development, which means it develops less in height. If sown in May, it will begin to germinate in early June and pre-flower in July, while you can harvest it from late September/October. The fact that the plant does not grow very high favours indoor cultivation, but it also performs very well outdoors, because Enectaliana adapts well to natural substrates and environmental conditions, including low temperatures and harsh climates.

Another unique feature of Enectaliana is that it meets all the criteria for biomass extraction, distinguishing itself by having a CBD content which is much higher than  the percentage usually found in industrial hemp plants intended for this purpose, resulting in higher productivity. Just one example: Futura75, one of the best known and most widely used genetics, has a CBD content of around 2-4%, Enectaliana doubles this result.                                                                      

From our certified hemp seeds we obtain and produce an excellent hemp biomass for extraction, selected and extraordinarily pure, free of branches, stems and seeds, which are not suitable for extraction.

Enectarol CBG hemp seeds

After a long research phase, Enecta developed this brand new variety of industrial hemp with a high content of cannabigerol CBG (approximately 4-6%). Cannabigerol CBG is a cannabinoid with numerous therapeutic properties, which has only recently been recognised in the cannabis world. Its therapeutic potential suggests that it has extraordinary antibacterial properties, that it may help to counter glaucoma, some neurodegenerative diseases and intestinal disorders. It is a cannabinoid that has aroused the curiosity of the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries. It is therefore a strain designed to be successful in a very new and already expanding market.

With our certified hemp seeds you will obtain an industrial hemp variety that is extremely stable and very rich in active ingredients. In addition to its medium to high CBG content, Enectarol has an interesting and varied terpene profile, which gives it a pleasant, natural aroma.

In designing this variety of industrial hemp, we focused on quality in the sense of richness of active principles, smoothness and pleasantness of the aroma, stability, purity and homogeneity of the genetics.

The plant is bright green in colour and the inflorescences are particularly rich in trichomes. It is a variety that is well suited for both outdoor and indoor cultivation, flowering time is about two months and the yield is very abundant as a result of the high germination rate, a key element we took into account during the design phase.

The yield in terms of cannabinoids of Enectarol is much higher than the average, Santhica70, one of the best known CBG genetics, has a cannabigerol content of 2-3%; Enectarol on the other hand comes in at 4-6%, which means the yields will be much higher. Just like Enectaliana, Enectarol also meets all the criteria for being an ideal industrial hemp variety for biomass production and offers something extra in terms of quality and quantity of active principles.                                                                       

Enectarol is an innovative strain from which we produce cannabigerol hemp biomass, an absolute novelty in the biomass market. The genetics are suitable for fibre production and are at their best for cosmetic and food extractions due to their high CBG content and total absence of chemical components. The seed batches are divided by variety, handling and processing characteristics and production date, in order to always have homogeneous and easily traceable seeds; we have developed appropriate seed handling and shipping conditions, ensuring seed batches are always fresh, carefully stored and safe.

Certified hemp seeds

Both of our new seeds are certified industrial hemp seeds, suitable for the production of 'enhanced biomass' due to the percentages of active principles (cannabinoids and terpenes) present in our genetics which are much higher than those of other industrial hemp varieties.

However, it is important to point out that it is not enough to grow a variety of industrial hemp to automatically ensure the production of biomass or other by-products. It is necessary, in fact, to meet precise parameters relating to the specific sectors: adapting to rules and procedures peculiar and typical of each product class (in compliance with national and European regulations in force), in order to guarantee that the product has the appropriate quality characteristics. Not only that, it is essential that the fields are free of chemicals or heavy metals, to avoid the use of pesticides or other inappropriate or unsuitable materials, for the safety and quality of the plant material, while paying attention and care also to the location of cultivation, microclimate, planting density, fertirrigation regimes and general crop management characteristics that can influence plant growth.

Enecta applies the GACP (Good Agricultural and Collection Practices for medicinal plants) guidelines and the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) protocols, with the aim of having a quality production that respects all the principles of hygiene and proper handling of plant material.

This allows us to offer safe products to the consumer by preventively setting the highest quality standards in terms of hygiene and safety. In addition to the specifications for biomass production or other products, it is important to understand why a certified seed can make a difference. What are certified hemp seeds?

Seeds of varieties of certified agricultural plant species are listed in a Common European Catalogue and are marked with an identification tag, without which they cannot be cultivated. The tags, besides demonstrating the admission to the aforementioned European register and, therefore, allowing the use of the seeds, must be kept by the farmer for a period of not less than twelve months, as well as having the obligation to keep the purchase invoices for the period provided for by the regulations in force (Law 242/2016, Provisions for the promotion of the cultivation and of the agro-industrial hemp chain).



certified seed means that it is safe and guaranteed because it has passed a number of quality standards: all the multiplication, inspection and cleaning processes to guarantee a pure product; furthermore, certification makes the seed conform to its type, a pure genetic one, for which all the characteristics (origin, homogeneity, purity) are defined, in order to obtain a stable, suitable and safe seed and variety. Certification therefore, as well as being an obligation to cultivate hemp in accordance with the law, is first and foremost a security for the buyer. It provides a guarantee that the product, in this case hemp seeds, meets a series of requirements established in advance by a protocol signed by the European Community.

These requisites are the guarantee for a safe investment in terms of production, the ABC for anyone who intends to start growing hemp.

Obtaining certification is not easy; the steps and tests to which the seeds and plants are subjected are many and complex. First of all, it is necessary that the variety of hemp for which we are applying for certification has unique characteristics that cannot be found in any other variety. These same characteristics must lead to improvements and innovations at an agricultural-industrial level: for example, a higher yield, or a simpler cultivation method, or particularly resistant to adverse climates or insects and parasites. Once the uniqueness of the genetics has been established, the genetics will go through rigorous testing during which other factors will be tested, first of all:

  • Health of the seed
  • Stable THC levels of less than 0.2%.
  • Germination rate, i.e. the actual production potential of the genetics
  • Homogeneity: when all plants are perfectly identical or very similar to each other
  • Stability: genetics maintains its characteristics from generation to generation.

By choosing certified hemp seeds, you can be certain to grow healthy, safe and hardy plants and to have a successful harvest because the seeds of that variety have been created specifically to meet certain requirements, which certification guarantees you.

High germination level

By germination level, besides meaning the plant's growing potential, we can refer to the productive ratio existing between the number of hemp seeds we have planted and the number of plants that reach harvest. The level of germination is one of the control parameters used by the European Union. To be a certified hemp seed, the germination level must be between 70 and 80%.

We know very well that this is a very important factor for those who decide to grow hemp, as the objective is to have the maximum yield with the minimum amount of hemp seeds. This is why we have created a variety with a very high germination level, Enectaliana 97%, Enectarol 95%, a number that exceeds the minimum standard for certification by a significant 25%.

Both Enectarol and Enectaliana are designed for maximum productivity. And productivity, together with local sustainability and serious agricultural ethics, are three of the most important factors on which those who wish to engage in hemp cultivation should focus.



Varietal purity

Varietal purity is one of the strictest tests through which any variety must pass in order to be certified. This parameter serves to ensure that all hemp seeds that those who have chosen to grow hemp are buying belong to the same pure genetics and are not accidentally mixed with seeds of another variety.

Both Enectaliana and Enectarol are two genetics specifically designed to keep their unique characteristics intact. In the case of Enectaliana, its uniqueness lies in its high CBD content in a seed suitable for biomass, its highly selected terpene profile, its resistance to cold climates and its very high germination rate, making it an extremely productive industrial hemp variety, suitable for both industrial and consumer purposes.

In the case of Enectarol, the uniqueness lies in the choice of active principles, the presence of cannabigerol in a seed suitable for biomass production, the adaptability of the genetics, its stability and, of course, the germination rate, which again is very high.

All these characteristics, which make them two unique genetics, remain unchanged thanks to the varietal purity, guaranteed by the certainty that the genetics are never subject to hybridisation or fluctuation, the hemp seeds of each variety being kept strictly separate and isolated from those of any other legal hemp variety.

Material traceability

A certified seed is one of which we know the specific origin. Certification ensures that each step goes through precise quality controls, both during production and storage.

We guarantee that every seed is healthy and ready to be planted. We carry out a scrupulous process of batch homogeneity control, ensuring that all seeds are of uniform size and health, and we dedicate special care to the way our products are conserved. All our batches contain only fresh, controlled and properly stored hemp seeds.

Our internal traceability system allows us:

  • To trace and follow the path of our seeds through all stages of production and distribution, enabling us to meet high and pre-established safety and quality standards, with a parallel and continuous improvement of every aspect of production;
  • Documented traceability, which demonstrates the company's commitment to protecting the healthiness of the product, with transparency of the production system and enhanced customer confidence;
  • To retrieve specific product safety and quality information;
  • To identify and track every aspect of your business, from company to customer.



Percentage of terpenes

Both of our new industrial hemp varieties have a very rich terpene profile and a much higher percentage of terpenes than competing seeds.  We wanted to pay special attention to aroma to ensure that our hemp seeds would also be perfect for growing inflorescence plants rich in cannabinoids and active principles. Furthermore, as this article points out, only two main monoterpenes, myrcene and limonene, are always present in legal hemp plants. Secondary terpenes such as beta-caryophyllene, on the other hand, although very important for the terpene profile, are not stable.

They act as an adaptive response, so they vary depending on a number of factors such as climate, exposure to light, reaction to possible threats and soil quality.This can be a problem for the standardisation of varieties, which should maintain specific ratios of cannabinoids and terpenes.

Both Enectaliana and Enectarol have been designed to solve this problem upstream and maintain the same percentage of active principles and identical terpene profile over time, even generations later.

Genetically stable

Having stable genetics is not a factor to be underestimated.The stability of a hemp plant guarantees that all the characteristics promised at the outset are maintained over time, from generation to generation.

Sometimes the stability of a genetic is compromised by trying to enhance it in terms of active principles. It can happen that certified seeds are bought but then hybridised with other varieties, for example with a high CBD content, to make it more potent and attractive as inflorescences. As well as compromising its stability, it will then be difficult to pass the strict controls required by European Community regulations.

Moreover, a change in the stability of the genetics can only lead to changes in yield, permanently compromising the productivity of the hybridised hemp crop. For all these reasons, it is preferable to buy certified hemp seeds that have all the characteristics we are looking for.

Ready-to-sow hemp seeds

Our certified hemp seeds are ready to be planted once they are purchased; you can thus say that you are ready to start growing hemp.

The ideal sowing period is April-May. Early sowing is best avoided, as pre-flowering could cause the plant to go into a second vegetative phase and thus slow down the growth process and the time of the final harvest. Obviously, it can be brought forward or postponed in the case of indoor cultivation.

For both Enectaliana and Enectarol we recommend 7,000 to 10,000 hemp seeds per hectare of land. Before sowing, however, it is important to prepare the soil.

This specialist article makes an interesting comparison between the cultivation requirements of hemp and those of chard. The cannabis sativa plant does well in fresh, deep soil; a substrate of peat, perlite and earthworm humus is recommended. Hemp plants are particularly hardy to cold climates but more delicate when it comes to moisture, so it is very important to rid them of excess water and make sure there is no waterlogging.




It is advisable to work the soil carefully before sowing, removing any clods or depressions and ploughing to a depth of about 30 centimetres, preferably in autumn and not in spring. If you don't know the soil well, it may be a good idea to do a false sowing to check for weeds and not to waste the hemp seeds, as well as carrying out preventive tests for suitability. It is important to fertilise hemp crops properly, as they need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium like all plants. We recommend using only organic fertilisers, to which the plant responds very well. Manure, slurry and compost are particularly suitable.

Growing hemp in combination with other plants can also help them grow better. Marigold, chervil, chamomile and peppermint, for example, keep insects and pests at bay. White clover, on the other hand, helps to maintain the soil healthy. Dried borage, being very nutritious for all living things, including plants, is perfect for adding to our natural compost.

Irrigation is indispensable in indoor cultivation, paying particular attention that no water is missing in the pre-flowering phase. Outdoors, irrigation becomes necessary in periods of particular drought, always paying attention to the pre-flowering period, when the plant requires more water.

If you are interested in Enectaliana or Enectarol contact our distributor:



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