Enecta, CBD, Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Multiple Sclerosis

The role of Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Multiple Sclerosis

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Studies on cannabinoids in Multiple Sclerosis follow two distinct paths: the first one is to assess cannabinoids as possible symptomatic treatments and basic treatments and thus to analyze its neuroprotective potentials. 

Can cannabis aid in the context of a disease as Multiple Sclerosis? 
The study we mention has been conducted by the University of Catania in which about 1500 patients from different dedicated centres for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, have been treated with Cannabis administered as a spray.

Symptoms like night cramps and spasms have disappeared in 61,9% of the patients.

The second study we mention was conducted in California, where they focalized on the cognitive decline and the alteration in the state of consciousness, derived from the intense antispasmodic and antidepressant effects of medical drugs.

Also in this case Cannabis shows to be an element intended to improve the quality of life of the patient, as the impact on cognitive capacities is less harmful with respect to traditional medical drugs.



What is happening in Italy? 

In Italy in a report updated in 2017, the AISM, Italian Association of Multiple Sclerosis has asked National uniformity with regards to prescription, supply and dispensing of cannabinoid products for therapeutic use, both in hospital care and home care. 

We witness a non-uniform situation, in fact  the AISM also requires the promotion of adequate information supplied to the population, as well as specific training of individuals working in the Italian National Health Service assigned to the prescription, distribution, dispensation, preparation of cannabinoid products for medical use. 

We’ve still got a long way to go regarding the Subject and also regarding degenerative diseases, so it is necessary and desirable to invest in Research in order to examine the role of Cannabis in contrasting – in this case – Multiple Sclerosis in an ever more intense manner and to improve the quality of life of patients, even though not in a resolving way.


 Learn more about this argument

- Medical Cannabis, Enecta interviews doctor Massimo Nabissi



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