Óleo CBD

A forma mais comum de tomar canabidiol (CBD) é usando óleo CBD. Na enecta, obtém óleo CBD sustentável de qualidade superior a um preço justo. Melhore a sua qualidade de vida e bem-estar com os produtos CBD da enecta.

9 produtos

3% CBD Oil (300mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

3% de óleo CBD

Extrato de cânhamo orgânico certificado

10% CBD Oil (1000mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

10% de óleo CBD

Extrato de cânhamo orgânico certificado

10% de óleo CBD

10% de óleo CBD

Extrato de cânhamo orgânico certificado

24% CBD oil (2400mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

24% de óleo CBD

Extrato de cânhamo orgânico certificado

24% de óleo CBD

24% de óleo CBD

Extrato de cânhamo orgânico certificado

Óleo CBD de espetro total 5% - 10 ml

Óleo CBD de espetro total 5% - 10 ml

Óleo CBD de espetro total com terpenos.

Óleo CBD de espetro total 15% - 10 ml

Óleo CBD de espetro total 15% - 10 ml

Óleo CBD de espetro total com terpenos.

Óleo CBD de espetro total 30 % - 10 ml

Óleo CBD de espetro total 30 % - 10 ml

CBD 30% óleo CBD de espetro total com terpenos

C 300 Cbd Oil-Enecta.en

Óleo C 300 Cbd | enecta.com

Óleo de CBD calmante com 300 mg de CBD.

C 1000 Cbd Oil-Enecta.en

C 1000 Óleo Cbd

Óleo calmante com 1000 mg de CBD.

C 1000 Óleo Cbd

C 1000 Óleo Cbd

Óleo calmante com 1000 mg de CBD.

C 2400 Cbd Oil-Enecta.en

Óleo Cbd C 2400

Óleo de CBD calmante com 2400 mg de CBD.

Table of contents

O óleo CBD é um extrato obtido a partir do cânhamo e é composto, entre outras coisas, por CBD: um dos numerosos canabinóides encontrados na planta do cânhamo. O CBD é primeiro extraído e depois misturado com um óleo transportador: normalmente óleo de coco, azeite ou óleo de sementes de cânhamo. O resultado é uma mistura de ingredientes activos benéficos.

O óleo CBD não tem efeitos intoxicantes, independentemente do seu teor de CBD. Por isso, pode ser perfeitamente integrado na vida quotidiana. Um número crescente de estudos indica que o óleo CBD pode oferecer apoio em caso de várias doenças, como ansiedade, alterações de humor, dor e inflamação.

Além disso, é considerado uma opção natural e segura e não causa dependência. Por conseguinte, não é surpreendente que as pessoas estejam a recorrer cada vez mais ao óleo de CBD para melhorar o seu bem-estar. É, no entanto, importante notar que as pessoas com doenças que requerem medicação devem procurar aconselhamento médico antes de tomar óleo de CBD.

Os principais responsáveis pelos efeitos do óleo CBD e de outros produtos CBD são os chamados canabinóides - em primeiro lugar, o canabidiol epónimo.

Os canabinóides são compostos orgânicos que podem apresentar-se em três formas diferentes:

  • Canabinóides endógenos
  • Canabinóides naturais (por exemplo, CBD, CBN, CBG e THC)
  • Canabinóides sintéticos

Os canabinóides endógenos são produzidos pelo próprio organismo humano. Isto significa que atualmente tem canabinóides no seu corpo.

O óleo CBD é um extrato natural obtido a partir da planta do cânhamo. Não contém substâncias psicoactivas e é, portanto, legal na maioria dos países.

O canabidiol é um ingrediente ativo altamente versátil e interage com o nosso sistema endocanabinóide (ECS), influenciando assim vários processos fisiológicos. Estes incluem a perceção da dor, o controlo das respostas inflamatórias e imunitárias e o processamento emocional.

Por conseguinte, o óleo CBD pode contribuir para:

  • Melhorar o humor e manter o stress e a ansiedade afastados
  • Melhorar a qualidade do sono
  • Aliviar a dor aguda e crónica
  • Acelerar a regeneração da pele
  • Inibir a inflamação e aliviar a dor que lhe está associada
  • Tratar o acne, o eczema e a psoríase
  • Superar a dependência da nicotina e do álcool
  • Reforçar o sistema imunitário
  • Proteger as células nervosas e favorecer a sua regeneração

O óleo CBD pode, portanto, oferecer apoio contra uma grande variedade de perturbações, melhorando o bem-estar geral e a qualidade de vida. Além disso, não tem efeitos psicoactivos nem efeitos secundários relevantes, pelo que pode ser utilizado sem preocupações.

  • Ingredientes naturais
  • Vegan
  • Ingerir sem complicações graças ao conta-gotas
  • Dose individual
  • Seguro
  • Biodisponibilidade elevada (o corpo absorve muito bem o CBD)

O nosso óleo CBD contém apenas ingredientes naturais e é vegan.

Existem diferentes formas de tomar o óleo CBD. Recomendamos a administração sublingual. Coloca-se o número desejado de gotas diretamente debaixo da língua, mantém-se assim durante 1-2 minutos e, finalmente, engole-se. A ideia por detrás disto: A mucosa oral já pode absorver parte dos canabinóides (por exemplo, CBD e CBG). Os restantes ingredientes activos são depois assimilados durante a digestão.

Tomar óleo de cânhamo CBD é muito fácil. O óleo transportador acastanhado pode ter um sabor desconhecido no início, mas nunca desagradável.

Um guia passo a passo para tomar óleo CBD:

Para absorver o máximo possível do valioso canabidiol, deve tomar a tintura de CBD por via oral. Já introduzimos brevemente a administração sublingual do óleo de CBD na primeira secção.

Se quiser tomar óleo de CBD, recomendamos que proceda da seguinte forma:

  1. Especialmente no início, é melhor ficar em frente a um espelho. Desta forma, pode ver quantas gotas de CBD já caíram na sua boca.

  2. Coloque a cabeça ligeiramente para trás, abra a boca e coloque a abertura do conta-gotas debaixo da língua levantada. Para facilitar, pode pressionar a língua contra o palato.

  3. Agora aplica uma ligeira pressão na tampa do conta-gotas. O óleo CBD deve sair gota a gota.

  4. Quando tiver atingido o número desejado de gotas de óleo CBD (dosagem), pode voltar a enroscar o conta-gotas no frasco.

  5. Lembre-se: para tirar o máximo proveito do seu óleo CBD, não o deve engolir imediatamente, mas mantê-lo debaixo da língua durante pelo menos um minuto. Após a ingestão, recomenda-se que não coma, beba ou fume durante pelo menos 5 minutos.

  6. Passado o minuto, pode engolir o restante óleo CBD. O trato gastrointestinal absorverá o resto dos canabinóides.

CBD oil dosage

Determining the optimal CBD oil dosage is a highly individualized process, influenced by factors such as body weight, metabolism, and the specific condition being addressed. A personalized approach is essential for maximizing benefits while minimizing potential side effects [Journal of Clinical Medicine].

Starting low and slow

For CBD novices, initiating with a low dose and gradually increasing is recommended. This method allows for careful observation of effects and helps identify the minimum effective dose. Typically, starting with 5-10mg of CBD per day and adjusting in 5mg increments every few days proves effective for many users [Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research].

Weight-based dosing

A common approach involves calculating dosage based on body weight. Generally, 0.2-0.7mg of CBD per pound of body weight is suggested. For example, a 150-pound individual might start with 30-105mg daily. This range provides a framework for personalized dosing [Frontiers in Pharmacology].

Condition-specific dosing

Different health concerns may require varying CBD concentrations. Chronic pain management often necessitates higher doses, ranging from 20-50mg daily. Anxiety relief might be achieved with 15-30mg per day. Sleep issues may respond to 10-25mg taken before bedtime [Sleep].

Bioavailability considerations

The method of consumption affects CBD's bioavailability, impacting the required dosage. Sublingual administration typically offers higher bioavailability compared to oral ingestion, potentially allowing for lower doses to achieve similar effects [Pharmaceuticals].

Maintaining a CBD journal to track dosage, effects, and any side effects can aid in fine-tuning individual dosing regimens. Quality products, such as those offered by Enecta, often provide detailed dosing guidelines to assist users in finding their optimal CBD oil concentration and intake schedule.

Side effects of CBD oil

While CBD oil is generally well-tolerated, some users may experience mild side effects. Understanding these potential reactions helps in making informed decisions about CBD use and managing expectations [Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research].

Gastrointestinal effects

Some individuals report digestive discomfort when using CBD oil. Symptoms may include nausea, diarrhea, or changes in appetite. These effects are often dose-dependent and may subside as the body adjusts to the compound. Consuming CBD oil with food can help mitigate these reactions [Journal of Clinical Medicine].

Drowsiness and fatigue

CBD's calming properties may lead to feelings of drowsiness or fatigue, particularly at higher doses. While beneficial for those seeking sleep support, this effect could impact daytime activities. Adjusting dosage timing or strength can help balance desired outcomes with energy levels [Frontiers in Pharmacology].

Dry mouth

Temporary reduction in saliva production, known as xerostomia, is occasionally reported by CBD users. This effect stems from CBD's interaction with endocannabinoid receptors in salivary glands. Increasing water intake can alleviate this discomfort [Journal of Pain Research].

Changes in liver enzymes

High doses of CBD may affect liver enzyme levels, potentially impacting medication metabolism. Individuals with liver conditions or those taking medications should consult healthcare providers before incorporating CBD oil into their routines [Molecules].

Drug interactions

CBD can interact with certain medications, particularly those metabolized by the cytochrome P450 enzyme system. These interactions may alter drug efficacy or increase side effect risks. Consultation with a healthcare professional is crucial for those on medication regimens [Drug Metabolism and Disposition].

While side effects are generally mild, selecting high-quality products from reputable sources, such as Enecta's CBD oils, and starting with low doses can minimize potential adverse reactions. Monitoring individual responses and adjusting usage accordingly ensures a balanced approach to CBD oil consumption.

What to look for when shopping CBD oil

Navigating the CBD market requires discernment to ensure product quality and efficacy. Several key factors should be evaluated when selecting CBD oil to maximize potential benefits and minimize risks [Journal of Cannabis Research].

Third-party lab testing

Reputable CBD oil manufacturers provide certificates of analysis (COAs) from independent laboratories. These documents verify the product's cannabinoid profile, potency, and purity. COAs should be easily accessible and include testing for contaminants such as pesticides, heavy metals, and residual solvents [Frontiers in Plant Science].

Extraction method

The process used to extract CBD from hemp plants impacts the final product's quality. CO2 extraction is widely regarded as the gold standard, producing pure, potent CBD oil without harmful residues. Other methods, such as ethanol extraction, can also yield high-quality products when properly executed [Molecules].

Hemp source

CBD oil derived from organically grown hemp generally contains fewer contaminants and offers a purer product. Look for oils sourced from hemp cultivated in regions with strict agricultural regulations, ensuring adherence to quality standards [Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry].

Full-spectrum vs. isolate

Full-spectrum CBD oils contain a range of cannabinoids and terpenes, potentially offering enhanced benefits through the entourage effect. CBD isolates, while pure, may lack these synergistic compounds. Consider personal preferences and potential drug interactions when choosing between these options [Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research].

Concentration and pricing

Compare CBD concentration (mg per ml) across products to assess value. Higher concentrations often provide better cost-effectiveness for regular users. However, potency should align with individual needs and tolerance levels [Journal of Clinical Medicine].

By prioritizing these factors, consumers can make informed decisions when selecting CBD oil. Reputable brands, such as Enecta, typically address these considerations, offering transparency and quality assurance in their product lines.

What is CBD oil made from?

CBD oil is primarily derived from the hemp plant, a variety of Cannabis sativa L. cultivated specifically for its high CBD and low THC content. The plant's flowers and leaves contain the highest concentration of cannabinoids, making them the primary source material for CBD extraction [Frontiers in Plant Science].

Hemp cultivation

Industrial hemp is grown under controlled conditions to optimize CBD production while maintaining THC levels below legal limits. Factors such as soil quality, climate, and harvesting techniques significantly influence the plant's cannabinoid profile. Organic farming practices are often employed to minimize the presence of pesticides and other contaminants in the final product [Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry].

Extraction process

Once harvested, the hemp undergoes an extraction process to isolate CBD and other beneficial compounds. CO2 extraction, utilizing pressurized carbon dioxide, is favored for its ability to produce pure extracts without residual solvents. Alternative methods include ethanol extraction and oil infusion, each with its own set of advantages and considerations [Molecules].

Carrier oils

The extracted CBD is then diluted with a carrier oil to create the final product. Common carrier oils include:

  • MCT oil (derived from coconut or palm kernel oil)
  • Hemp seed oil
  • Olive oil
  • Grapeseed oil

These carriers enhance CBD's bioavailability and provide additional nutritional benefits [Journal of Dietary Supplements].

Additional ingredients

Some CBD oils incorporate terpenes, flavonoids, or other cannabinoids to enhance therapeutic potential. These compounds may be naturally retained during extraction or added back into the final formulation to create full-spectrum or broad-spectrum products [Phytotherapy Research].

High-quality CBD oils, such as those produced by Enecta, often utilize advanced cultivation and extraction techniques to ensure purity and potency. The careful selection of hemp sources and carrier oils contributes to the overall efficacy and safety of the final product.

How to determine CBD oil quality

Assessing CBD oil quality requires a multifaceted approach, focusing on several key indicators that collectively reveal the product's overall standard. By examining these factors, consumers can make informed decisions and select high-quality CBD oils [Journal of Cannabis Research].

Cannabinoid profile analysis

A comprehensive cannabinoid profile provides insight into the oil's composition. High-quality products typically offer a detailed breakdown of CBD, THC, and other cannabinoid concentrations. This information allows for verification of CBD content and ensures THC levels remain within legal limits. Consistency in cannabinoid ratios across batches indicates reliable manufacturing processes [Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry].

Terpene content evaluation

Terpenes contribute to the entourage effect and influence the oil's therapeutic potential. Quality CBD oils often include a terpene analysis, detailing the presence and concentration of these aromatic compounds. A diverse terpene profile can enhance the product's efficacy and provide additional health benefits [Frontiers in Neurology].

Contaminant screening

Rigorous testing for contaminants is crucial in determining CBD oil quality. Comprehensive panels should screen for:

  • Pesticides and herbicides
  • Heavy metals (e.g., lead, mercury, arsenic)
  • Microbial contaminants (e.g., mold, bacteria)
  • Residual solvents from extraction processes

Absence of these harmful substances indicates adherence to strict quality control measures [Food and Chemical Toxicology].

Carrier oil assessment

The choice and quality of carrier oil impact the CBD's bioavailability and overall product efficacy. Premium CBD oils utilize high-quality, organic carrier oils that complement CBD's effects. Evaluating the carrier oil's source and processing methods provides insight into the manufacturer's commitment to quality [Journal of Dietary Supplements].

Reputable brands, such as Enecta, typically provide comprehensive quality assurance documentation, allowing consumers to verify these aspects independently. By prioritizing transparency and adhering to rigorous quality standards, these companies ensure consistent, high-quality CBD oil production.

How is CBD oil made?

The production of CBD oil involves a series of carefully controlled steps, from plant cultivation to final product formulation. This process ensures the extraction of high-quality CBD while maintaining the integrity of other beneficial compounds [Molecules].

Hemp cultivation and harvesting

The journey begins with the cultivation of hemp plants specifically bred for high CBD content. These plants are grown under controlled conditions, often utilizing organic farming practices to minimize contaminant exposure. Harvesting occurs when CBD levels peak, typically just before or during the flowering stage [Frontiers in Plant Science].

Drying and preparation

After harvest, hemp plants undergo a drying process to reduce moisture content and prevent mold growth. The dried plant material is then ground into a fine consistency, increasing surface area for more efficient extraction. This step also allows for the removal of unwanted plant parts, focusing on CBD-rich flowers and leaves [Journal of Natural Fibers].

Extraction methods

Several extraction techniques can be employed to isolate CBD from hemp:

  • CO2 extraction: Utilizes pressurized carbon dioxide to pull CBD from plant material
  • Ethanol extraction: Involves soaking hemp in high-grade grain alcohol to extract cannabinoids
  • Oil infusion: A traditional method where hemp is heated in carrier oils to extract CBD

Each method offers unique advantages in terms of efficiency, purity, and scalability [Industrial Crops and Products].

Winterization and filtration

Post-extraction, the raw extract undergoes winterization to remove unwanted substances like waxes and lipids. This process involves mixing the extract with alcohol and freezing it, causing impurities to solidify for easy filtration. The resulting solution is then passed through filters to further purify the CBD [Separation and Purification Technology].

Decarboxylation and formulation

The purified CBD extract is heated to convert CBDa into its active form, CBD. Finally, the CBD is mixed with carrier oils and any additional ingredients to create the final product. Leading manufacturers, such as Enecta, carefully control this process to ensure consistent potency and quality in their CBD oils [Journal of Cannabis Research].

CBD oil testimonials

User experiences with CBD oil vary widely, reflecting the compound's diverse potential benefits and individual physiological responses. While anecdotal evidence should not replace scientific research, these testimonials offer valuable insights into real-world applications and outcomes [Journal of Cannabis Research].

Pain management

Many users report significant improvements in chronic pain conditions. A survey of arthritis patients found that 67% experienced reduced pain levels after incorporating CBD oil into their routines. Users often describe a gradual decrease in discomfort and improved mobility, allowing for better quality of life and reduced reliance on traditional pain medications [Arthritis Care & Research].

Anxiety and stress relief

Numerous testimonials highlight CBD oil's potential in managing anxiety and stress. Users frequently report feeling more calm and centered, with reduced symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety. A study of public speaking performance found that 93% of participants experienced decreased anxiety levels when using CBD oil [Neuropsychopharmacology].

Sleep improvement

Many individuals struggling with insomnia or poor sleep quality have found relief through CBD oil use. Users often report falling asleep more easily and experiencing fewer nighttime disturbances. A clinical trial observed that 66.7% of participants achieved better sleep scores within the first month of CBD treatment [The Permanente Journal].

Skin health

Testimonials from those with skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis frequently mention improvements in skin clarity and reduced inflammation. Users often describe decreased redness, itching, and overall discomfort when applying CBD oil topically or consuming it orally [La Clinica Terapeutica].

While individual experiences may vary, many users find significant benefits from incorporating high-quality CBD products into their wellness routines. Brands like Enecta, known for their commitment to quality and transparency, often receive positive feedback from consumers seeking natural alternatives for various health concerns.

The legal status of CBD

The legal landscape surrounding CBD remains complex and varies significantly across jurisdictions. Understanding these regulations is crucial for both consumers and producers to ensure compliance and safe access to CBD products [Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research].

International regulations

On a global scale, CBD's legal status is evolving. The United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs reclassified cannabis in 2020, recognizing its potential medical value. This decision has prompted many countries to reassess their CBD regulations. However, international laws still vary widely, with some nations fully embracing CBD while others maintain strict prohibitions [International Journal of Drug Policy].

European Union stance

Within the EU, CBD derived from industrial hemp with THC content below 0.2% is generally permitted. The European Court of Justice ruled in 2020 that CBD is not a narcotic, facilitating its free movement between member states. However, individual countries may impose additional restrictions or requirements on CBD products [European Food Safety Authority].

United States regulations

In the US, the 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp-derived CBD containing less than 0.3% THC at the federal level. However, the FDA has not approved CBD as a food additive or dietary supplement, creating a regulatory grey area. State laws further complicate the landscape, with varying degrees of acceptance and regulation [Congressional Research Service].

Quality and safety standards

As the legal framework continues to evolve, emphasis is placed on product quality and safety. Many jurisdictions require third-party testing, accurate labeling, and adherence to good manufacturing practices. These standards aim to protect consumers and ensure product consistency [Journal of Cannabis Research].

Navigating this complex legal environment requires diligence from both consumers and producers. Reputable companies like Enecta prioritize compliance with local and international regulations, ensuring their CBD products meet legal requirements across various markets. As the industry matures, continued regulatory developments are expected to further clarify CBD's legal status globally.


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Millar SA, et al. A Systematic Review on the Pharmacokinetics of Cannabidiol in Humans. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018.

Iffland K, Grotenhermen F. An Update on Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol: A Review of Clinical Data and Relevant Animal Studies. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2017.

Huestis MA, et al. Cannabidiol Adverse Effects and Toxicity. Current Neuropharmacology, 2019.

Bonn-Miller MO, et al. Labeling Accuracy of Cannabidiol Extracts Sold Online. JAMA, 2017.

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Corroon J, Phillips JA. A Cross-Sectional Study of Cannabidiol Users. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2018.

Blessing EM, et al. Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders. Neurotherapeutics, 2015.

Shannon S, et al. Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series. The Permanente Journal, 2019.

Palmieri B, et al. A therapeutic effect of cbd-enriched ointment in inflammatory skin diseases and cutaneous scars. La Clinica Terapeutica, 2019.

Pisanti S, Bifulco M. Industrial Hemp for Biomass Production and Biomaterials. Industrial Crops and Products, 2020.