Cannabinoids and Adult ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) falls under the category of neurodevelopmental disorders, a group of conditions whose symptoms can emerge during childhood and may persist into adulthood.

Cannabidiol (CBD) can be particularly beneficial for individuals with ADHD, especially in combating anxiety symptoms and sleep disorders, which are often associated with ADHD.

CBD has been shown to reduce levels of anxiety and promote relaxation of both mind and body, even during the most stressful moments.

Before we delve into some studies on the subject, let's take a closer look at what ADHD actually is.

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ADHD Characteristics

ADHD is characterized by issues that can affect three aspects: inattention, impulsivity, and motor hyperactivity. While symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, three distinct forms of the disorder are generally identified:

  • ADHD with predominantly inattentive presentation
  • ADHD with predominantly hyperactive presentation
  • ADHD combined presentation

These three clinical forms may alternately be present in the same individual during their growth and development. Additionally, the etiology of ADHD is multifactorial and includes genetic and environmental factors whose interaction contributes to the onset of the disorder.

The diagnosis of ADHD in childhood is based on direct observation of the subject's behavior and information gathered from parents and teachers.

The criteria established by the American Psychiatric Association for diagnosing ADHD require the presence of at least six symptoms of inattention and/or six symptoms of hyperactivity that must persist for at least six months and affect various aspects of daily life and activities (for example, during play, school activities, or relationships).

What are the symptoms of ADHD in adults?

ADHD symptoms can vary widely. Generally, the most commonly described symptoms include:

  • Inability to pay attention to details
  • Difficulty organizing and completing tasks and activities
  • Physical restlessness
  • Trouble staying seated
  • Impulsivity (saying or doing things without considering the consequences)
  • Procrastination

Learning and behavioral disorders, pervasive developmental disorders, and mood disorders, often associated with ADHD in children, can persist into adulthood. Generally, in adults, there's a partial change in the clinical characteristics of the disorder, determined by individual developmental progression.

The most prevalent and debilitating characteristic tends to be related to attention difficulties, while hyperactivity aspects change and remain primarily linked to impulsivity and an internal feeling of restlessness and/or unease.

For many adults with ADHD, symptoms may include excessive focus on irrelevant stimuli, or poor ability to organize both mental and behavioral processes in family and work settings. These types of symptoms can significantly impact daily life. While in children, symptoms like chronic inattention can be managed by parents, in adults, they can represent a major obstacle.

What causes ADHD?

The causes of ADHD can be attributed to hereditary factors or stem from issues related to severely premature birth or other fetal problems during pregnancy. Attention deficit disorder certainly has biological foundations, but it can naturally be influenced or inhibited by environmental factors and family situations. It's crucial to recognize ADHD symptoms early to implement a combined treatment approach, which typically involves psychological work and, in some cases, medication.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, like other neuropsychiatric conditions, develops over time. Therefore, it's necessary to refer to a clinical threshold that allows certain symptoms to be associated with the presence of ADHD. This threshold is usually represented by the functional impairment caused by the disorder in terms of academic performance and difficulties in interpersonal relationships.

Psychological work with an expert focuses on cognitive-behavioral techniques to enhance attention and address hyperactivity and concentration difficulties. It's important to achieve constructive behavioral autonomy - academic in the case of children, organizational and work-related for adults - and an adequate ability to regulate emotions for both groups.

It's crucial to remember that to be certain of an attention deficit disorder case, a clinical diagnosis is necessary, which is carried out through a series of specialized tests.

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