Enecta CBD Story Telling “I’ve improved the quality of my life

Enecta CBD Story Telling “I’ve improved the quality of my life"

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“I believe Cannabis in general and CBD in particular can be a turning point for many citizens, I personally recommend the use of CBD in the context of S.E.R.T* ” tells Antonio, 47 of age, with whom we talked about CBD and not only and who uses it for therapeutic purposes, making it possible for him to give a mayor wellbeing to his daily life; one of the many stories linked to the world of Cannabis.

[S.E.R.T. is a Body of the Italian National Health System, providing care to people who coped with problems due to abuse of or addiction to psychoactive substances or to compulsive behaviour. At  S.E.R.T. treatments are administered with traditional drugs, which Antonio experienced first-hand]

“I have some health problems with which I’ve lived for some years now – he tells us drinking a cup of coffee – it regards a low grade neoplasm in addition to a pulmonary emphysema and a form of Hepatitis C”.

“I check my physical state with blood tests every two/three months and with a CAT scan once a year”.


Since about two years he’s taking CBD Oil and he assures to have substantially increased his quality of life.

“I discovered CBD thanks to a friend, I started using 10% CBD Hemp Oil, of which I got to take between nine to twelve drops a day, then I passed on to 24%, six drops a day are enough to feel the benefits of Cannabidiol”.

Which kind of improvements did you observe?

“I eliminated the use of anxiolytics, which principally had calming effects on my severe state of anxiety. From a physical point of view I feel more “loose”, probably due to the state of relaxation one obtains. Furthermore, I notice – Antonio concludes – its ability to soothe pain. I couldn’t do without it anymore”. 

Apart from using CBD Antonio has also changed his dietary habits, an important and inseparable pair for obtaining results.


“I’ve become Vegetarian four years ago, this aspect has undoubtedly contributed to improving my quality of life”.

“My advice to everybody – Antonio concludes at the end of our talk – is to try CBD, after having found out for which reasons and with which objectives to use it; I tried it because I hoped to find a solution to my anxiety states".

"Regarding the daily intake to be consumed, I’ve found out this is very subjective. One should listen to his/her own body and match the dosage to the needs of the moment, I do not always use the same quantity of drops. In conclusion, I could state that in my specific case I only have encountered positive benefits from CBD!”.





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10% CBD Oil (1000mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

10% olej CBD

Certyfikowany organiczny ekstrakt z konopi

24% CBD oil (2400mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

24% olej CBD

Certyfikowany organiczny ekstrakt z konopi

3% CBD Oil (300mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

3% olej CBD

Certyfikowany organiczny ekstrakt z konopi

CBNight FORMULA Classic - 30 ml - Enecta

CBNight FORMULA Classic - 30 ml

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CBNight FORMULA PLUS - 30 ml - Enecta

CBNight FORMULA PLUS - 30 ml

Naturalna pomoc w przywracaniu naturalnego cyklu snu i czuwania.

Full Spectrum CBD Oil 15% - 10 ml - Enecta

Olej CBD o pełnym spektrum 15% - 10 ml

Olej CBD pełnospektralny z terpenami.

Full spectrum CBD oil 30 % - 10 ml - Enecta

Olej CBD pełne spektrum 30 % - 10 ml

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Full Spectrum CBD Oil 5% - 10 ml - Enecta

Olej CBD o pełnym spektrum 5% - 10 ml

Olej CBD pełnospektralny z terpenami.
